
Showing posts with the label Happiness secrets

Happiness and Dreams

Hi Everyone -- I trust you, family and friends are doing OK.  In this blog, I am going to share little about my casual conversations with the workers in farm, while they were working very hard.  What is it about: Happiness and Dreams. Please see below picture.  Workers (Contractors) are actively peeling coconut shell in my farm.   We harvest coconut once in 50 days. Once plucked from tree, they are all brought to a common place and then we invite contractors to take out the shell and then give the coconut to traders by per kg basis. Old days, harvesting used to happen by climbing. i.e. Persons used to climb the tree, and pluck from there. Now a days, everything happens from ground itself. i.e. In a long stick, sharp knife is attached and from ground itself they pluck coconuts. OK, coming to the discussions... When I entered my farm, they were busy peeling. I was watching for few minutes without asking any questions. I was just simply watching, noticing the focus of those folks, perf