
Showing posts with the label pumpkin

Pumpkin harvesting..... (poosani kai)

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters :)... I trust everyone is doing well.  In this blog, I am going to share the progress of pumpkin harvesting, which I explained in previous blog:  Health benefits of pumpkin: Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, pumpkin is incredibly healthy. What's more, its low calorie content makes it a weight-loss-friendly food. Its nutrients and antioxidants may boost your immune system, protect your eyesight, lower your risk of certain cancers and promote heart and skin health . As I said in previous blog, it is a short-term crop. I have already harvested more than 8 tons. :).  But the experience was awesome. Please check pumpkin flower below... When I walk around the farm, or going around pumpkin, this flower was gigantic, very attractive and royal. Though it was not king or queen of flower, but it had the majestic look. :) Now coming to the plant itself, please check o

Trying out pumpkin...

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters :)... I trust everyone is doing well.  It's been a while, I tried something new in farm. Thought of using another 50 cents, which is not at all being used. We are expecting North-East monsoon by next month, hence I thought of stating this experiment now... This is going to be a short-term one.  i.e. 90 to 150 days. Unlike Manago trees, we get yielding in few weeks. Here is an one-week old plant. One week old plant It took little bit investment to setup this. Please see below picture to get an idea.  This one is completely drip-irrigation.   OK, why pumpkins?.   My reason is simple. Try out something new for a short-term. Monsoon is coming...Harvesting time will be easy and relaxed, since you could decide to whom to sell.. Pumpkin fruit will stay for longer period. Also planning to invite families to farm, so that they could visit and grab from plant as per their wish. :).  This experience will be unique for kids and families. Each plant