
Showing posts with the label karupatti kaapi

Palm Trees Progress - Two leaves in two years.... (Panai Maram and Karupatti Kaapi)

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ...  Vanakkam, Namaste and good day!. Last month , I visited India and I will share the latest progress and latest experiences from farm. This blog is about palm trees. Two years back, I planted around 100 palm trees. Here is the old blog: I visited my farm, happy to see some progress and sharing the same here. The interesting fact is that, after two years of planting and waiting, I see now two leaves. :). Not all trees survived, but many survived our last year drought. It took two years, to see some visible progress as see you below. Many trees still have just one leave as you see below. Palm Trees take longer time to grow. An average growth rate is: 3 to 10 inches per year. What does it mean: This plantation is for next generation. I am sure that, I will not get any benefits from this plantation.  But, preserving/growing this tree for next generation. It is