
Showing posts with the label papaya

It is all about Papaya now...

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters :)... I trust everyone is doing well. In this blog, I am sharing little about Papaya Trees in my farm.  Please check out below tree. This is a 6 months old tree.     This is my second set of papaya trees. I have planted over 100 trees in the 2nd batch.  More than 50% of trees are in good shape and healthy at this point. As you can see in the picture, if the tree is healthy it gives good yielding.  We have to put extra care during initial 30 days. We need to water them daily and apply manure during first few weeks. I have setup drip-irrigation in my farm. Here is the glimpse of few more trees. If the tree is in dark green color, you can easily assume it is healthy. However there are few trees in light green color, and it is OK.  If the tree is in yellow color, mostly it will not yield anything. Now, coming to yielding, easily you could get around 50 kgs in a week. Farm price is: 10 INR per kg. I do give lots of free stuffs to relatives and n

Papaya - happiness guaranteed when grown at home.

 Hi Everyone -- Hope you are doing OK and staying safe. Covid second wave did hit many people in India. Thanks to everyone, who helped others. Take care of yourself, family, friends and colleagues. In this blog, I am going to share about "growing papaya at home" and the happiness it gives. You would feel the happiness when it yields. You would be even more happy, when you share the fruits with your family members,  neighbours or relatives. It is a great short term crop, if you are a farmer. It gives output within a year for sure.  I have shared my papaya growing experience in my earlier blog . A well known fact about this fruit:  A  cup of papaya when had on an empty stomach is known to clear the digestive tract of toxins and smoothen the bowel movement due to the presence of digestive enzymes. It is also known to keep away digestive disorders like bloating, upset stomach and constipation.  It is a rich