
Showing posts with the label ci/cd

What is CI/CD during Covid lockdown?

Well... I hope, you, your family and friends are doing well.  Let us pray GOD, to keep us healthy and safe! In this blog, I am going to share few IT jargons... If you are a non-IT professional, please excuse me. OK, what is CI/CD? (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery).  But now, it is: C orona I nfections / C orona D eaths.  We are looking all data/graphs about CI/CD. CV - C orona V irus or C ut V egetables.  What do we mean by resume now? CR (Change Request ) - C hange R oom.  -> While everyone is working from home, now it is all about changing rooms throughout the day PTO - P eeling T he O nions  :). - Most of us, may or may not be doing this. If you are helping your family in kitchen, then definitely you are on PTO. BZ (Busy) - Blabber in Zoom CD - C hange D iapers. If you are with small kids, I am sure, this is must, before you attend the meetings or busy work. Is life a circle?... I doubt now. It is a rectangle. Because we are most of the times in, balconies, bed rooms