
Showing posts with the label indian mango

Mangoes: King of fruits (Season is over)

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ...  Vanakkam, Namaste. I trust everyone is doing well.. In this blog, I will share little about this year mango season. We had an average mango season this year. In the previous blog, I shared few pictures of Mango flowers:   There are many varieties of mangoes available. What I have in farm are following varieties: 1. Kalapady 2. Alphonso 3. Banganapalli 4. Neelam     Kalapady - This is very sweet and small in size. Please try this out, if you get a chance. You may google out as well. This is not easy to get. Alphonso & Banganapalli: This is very common and we will get in many places. Neelam - This taste varies from soil to soil. Raw Mangoes in all types - Rather than fruits, raw mangoes have lots of medicinal benefits: Raw mangoes are rich in antioxidants, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which improve vision and eye health. Polyphenols (a group