
Showing posts with the label australia trip

Australia - a visitor experience...

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ...  Vanakkam, Namaste. I trust everyone is doing well..  Life in USA is getting busier and busier, which is good. Recently I had an opportunity to visit Australia. This was my first visit to Australia. In this blog, I am going to share my experience as a fist time visitor to this country.     First of all – It is really one of the biggest countries in terms of land. It is definitely bigger than India (double size... :) Would you believe ??) ….   India is: 3.2 million and Australia is: 7.7 million .     Australia has three time zones: Western Australia, Central and Eastern Australia. India has only one time zone.    I landed in Western side of Australia, which is Perth. An amazing city, quiet city and well planned one.   I remembered the famous cricket ground “Perth”, though I could not get time to visit that. It is called “city of lights”, because it was one of the first cities in the world to be illuminated by electric l