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Spiritual Life @ America - Last one year....

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ...  Vanakkam, Namaste and good day!... This is yet another different type of blog... Just sharing my spiritual experience here in USA. My iPhone was giving many reminders to upgrade, though I was rescheduling again and again.. Finally, it was a forced day for me, and I had no other choice. Yes, I had to upgrade, but you know what, I had to restart and reset couple times to adjust, YES, it worked seamlessly after that.... APPLE is smart, no doubts on that. This is common these days, isnt it ?.. just a reset and restart, which I delayed. After the upgrade, I am seeing lot of new features and cool stuff...  But, the journey was postponed by me..  Isn't it?. In Journey of LIFE, we do the same. Most of the times we have to upgrade ourselves, or we will be forced. In every upgrade, we have to go through a RESET.  What is that? But, if you know what "resets" you every week or every month, it gives a different boost