
Showing posts from April, 2022

Free Rations Scheme - Worth visiting ration shop once....(Citizen Experience)

\    Hi Everyone -- I trust you and family are doing great. Things are getting better and better, let us hope for the best. In this blog, I am going to share little bit about Free Rations Scheme. I am not sure whether you follow this in news or not, but this comes in news many days....  Even this week, Delhi government announced that ration items will be delivered at door step. If you are NOT following ration news, I would encourage you to follow and take a deep look, if you are tax payer. :) What is a ration card? Ration card is an official document issued by state governments in India to households that are eligible to purchase subsidised food grain from the Public Distribution System under the National Food Security Act (NFSA). They also serve as a common form of identification for many Indians.[1] Who is eligible for a ration card?  "Every Indian Family is eligible. Families are given the option of choosing the type of family cards based on their needs and preferences and t