Free Rations Scheme - Worth visiting ration shop once....(Citizen Experience)

 Hi Everyone --

I trust you and family are doing great. Things are getting better and better, let us hope for the best.

In this blog, I am going to share little bit about Free Rations Scheme. I am not sure whether you follow this in news or not, but this comes in news many days....  Even this week, Delhi government announced that ration items will be delivered at door step. If you are NOT following ration news, I would encourage you to follow and take a deep look, if you are tax payer. :)

What is a ration card?

Ration card is an official document issued by state governments in India to households that are eligible to purchase subsidised food grain from the Public Distribution System under the National Food Security Act (NFSA). They also serve as a common form of identification for many Indians.[1]

Who is eligible for a ration card? 

"Every Indian Family is eligible. Families are given the option of choosing the type of family cards based on their needs and preferences and there is no income based ration cards."

Wherever you are in India, both central government and state government do give lots of free stuff to every ration card holder. 

So, what is the message here?

I always had the ego to go there and I always thought it is based on income, and it is for people below poverty line. I assumed that, it is not for tax payers. However that is not true.  I doubled confirmed this with few officers. 

Message 1: Please check whether your name is in ration card. If so, you are one of the 71.2 crore Indians, who is eligible for this. Please visit one of the shops where your name is associated with. It is our duty. :)

Fact is here:

What's next?

Please take a look at below image, which was in news recently:



The government has spent approximately ₹2.60 lakh crore so far and another ₹80,000 crore will be spent over the next six months till September 2022, taking the total expenditure under PM-GKAY to nearly ₹3.40 Lakh crore.

A simple math:

  3,40,000 lakh crore for 30 months, hence per month spent = ~11,333 crore. 

  (3.4 lakh crore = 3, 400,000,000,000)

  If every month government is spending ~11333 crore for ~72 crore Indians, what is the per person cost:

  113330000000 / 720000000 = ~157 INR per person/per month.

So, if you are holding a ration card for two persons, who is getting your benefits? - Worth thinking....

Message 2: Everyone assumes that the quality of ration items are bad. OK, who is responsible for that?. I asked the same question to many people. We (as tax payers and IT) are ignoring this, hence the system is taken for granted.  If everyone of us (tax payers), starts visiting the ration shop, you will see the outcome automatically. This is the advice, I got from few folks.  I am passing the same message here. We can bring new ideas, innovations and technology into reality.

OK, what do we get every month as part of ration items? 

  • Above Poverty Line (APL) ration cards that were issued to households living above the poverty line (as estimated by the Planning Commission). These households received 15 kilogram of food grain (based on availability). 
  • Below Poverty Line (BPL) ration cards that were issued to households living below the poverty line. These households received 25-35 kilograms of food grain. 
  • Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) ration cards that were issued to "poorest of poor" households. These households received 35 kilograms of food grain.

What do I get every month?

Please take a look at below picture:

Rice 10 Kg, Wheat - 5 kg, Sugar - 2 kg, Dhal - 1 kg, Oil - 1 liter. And I pay just 115 INR (though it is known as Free items, and still very much worthy)..... Again, no egos and live in reality.  

Every time I visit this shop, I learn a lot about "customer experience (CX)". :)... What is ideal customer experience? Why are we getting this free?. ... CX = Citizen Experience - When do we get Digital Transformation for Citizen Experience?

So, what is my closing story:

Three things: 

1. Claim your ration items, see the quality and ask questions. It is our rights. :).   Technology can bring lots of magic here, like Delhi government delivering at home. Can't we use technology here, for better Service?. Request you to take few hours off in a month, visit a ration shop and collect your ration items.

2. These days items are given after finger-print validation. It is bit secured. There is good dashboard to track the consumption at every shop. Also, these are directly procured from our farmers. Take a break on one of the Fridays and visit this shop. TGIF!.  We will learn a lot as tax payer and IT employee.

3. What is our source for these much grains?. How do we procure?  OK, where do we have these many paddy fields, where do we have these many farms?.. How do we get these food grains in next few years?. Where is our farming going? - What level of technology we are applying here?

OK, everyone... Hope, you liked this one... I know, this is little bit different. However, thanks for reading. Please share your comments and ideas. :)

CX = Citizen Experience. CX = Customer Experience.


Here is the source of truth:

Please see this interesting statistics whenever you have time:


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