Drumstick (Moringa) season and harvesting going on... (murungai kai)

 My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ... 

Vanakkam, Namaste.

I trust everyone is doing well.. In India, we are at peak summer... Temperature is increasing day by day.. Everyone starts talking climate change these days... Good to see the awareness. :)

In this blog, I will share our current state of drumstick trees from farm.. . Please see below pic with drumstick flowers and vegetables.

I am checking the quality of the vegetable, tree and leaves. :). 

farmer life


When I started drumstick farming during covid, I was not serious. Look at my first blog on drumstick 


We still produce few tons of drumstick vegetables during every year. We started very small with few trees. At this point, we have around 500+ trees. I am trying to get around 1000+ trees for a sustainable and bulk operations.

But the investment is really high. :)

drumstick trees


This year, will be very tough for us since we did not get good monsoon last year.  Monsoon plays a big role for natural farming.

Already I am seeing the water scarcity and we have started supplying less water to trees. When leaves go dull, we feel the same. :(

farmer life

Last few weeks, farm price per KG is around 7 INR.  However consumer pays around 50-60 INR per kg.

I am used to see this variation now a days. This is how our system works. :)

Here is my another blog on why folks give up farming:


moringa trees

Here is another tree with full of vegetables.



Hope, you had a little glance on what's up in farm.. I am still trying to plant and own 1000+ trees as my goals with little more land to buy. :).. Achieved half-way through and yet to achieve another half..

Farming gives happiness, farming rejuvenates you.   Farming gives patience and healthy life...

See you all in the next one with "MANGOES"... Mango season is up too.. 

 OK, everyone. Thanks for reading. We will connect back in the next one with more mangoes, if everything goes as per plans :)

Thank you, Take care.  

Nandri Vanakkam ! Dhanywad. !



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