Mangoes: King of fruits (Season is over)

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ... 

Vanakkam, Namaste.

I trust everyone is doing well.. In this blog, I will share little about this year mango season. We had an average mango season this year.

In the previous blog, I shared few pictures of Mango flowers:


kalappady mango

There are many varieties of mangoes available. What I have in farm are following varieties:

1. Kalapady

2. Alphonso

3. Banganapalli

4. Neelam


kalapady mango


Kalapady - This is very sweet and small in size. Please try this out, if you get a chance. You may google out as well. This is not easy to get.

Alphonso & Banganapalli: This is very common and we will get in many places.

Neelam - This taste varies from soil to soil.

Raw Mangoes in all types - Rather than fruits, raw mangoes have lots of medicinal benefits:

Raw mangoes are rich in antioxidants, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which improve vision and eye health. Polyphenols (a group of powerful antioxidants) present in the raw mangoes reduce inflammation and decrease cancer risk. Green mangoes are rich in nutrients that promote collagen synthesis and improve skin health.

I recommend everyone to try out fresh raw mangoes... This is unique taste..

organic mango

Coming to season... unlike previous years, we have severe drought this year. Water level is going down day by day and it is becoming tough to water the trees.  My farm workers go to farm very early in the morning i.e. around 5 am to water the trees.

 Global warming seems to be affecting everyone.  We are seeing unexpected peak summer this year.

Some more tree pictures with red soil...

Coming to the harvesting, I did lease out the entire process, which worked well, so that I could focus on other things.

Farming gives happiness, farming rejuvenates you.   Farming gives patience and healthy life...


 Alright! ...That'll about mangoes and this year mango season...

I will be working from USA for a short period of time. See you all in the next blog with "USA Life Experience"...  Going to be very different than farming blog... But, change is always good for a shorter period of time. :)

 OK, everyone. Thanks for reading. We will connect back in the next one with more USA experiences, if everything goes as per plans :)

Thank you, Take care.  

Nandri Vanakkam ! Dhanywad. !



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