Am I a Proud Farmer? (vivasayi)

My dad always told me, in last few years that, farming does not give any profit, if you are SMALL. He was a full time farmer (I know, we had paddy fields, tomato, chillies, brinjal harvesting when we were kids).  Most of our summer holidays, weekends were spent only in farms.  We had lots of cashew fruits, drumsticks, bananas too.

One day, dad told me that, he is going to sell the farm and buy some land within city limits, which will give great appreciation.  We could build good multiplex, halls, shops ets and make good income. I asked him, why - he said that there is NO profit and the money we get from farm is enough ONLY for expenses.  I did not believe that, and said I will take care of the farm and expenses. Thatzhow I got into this world of agriculture. I do work in IT industry and take care of our farm too.

Now a days, I am directly involved in few agricultural stuffs and I know little bit. :). I do not make that much profit, but I still experiment and have fun.

What I am trying to say in this post? - Take a look at below pic...

organic drumistck

This is drumstick from our farm and ready for shipping or distributions to local dealers.  #drumstick

What is the price, I was given: The local dealer told me that, he will take for 5 INR per kg. I said NO. He discussed with someone and increased the price by one rupee. I asked him two things:

1. Do you know the selling price to consumer? - It is above 50 INR for sure and may go up to 100 INR per kg.

2. See the freshness and quality now - By the time consumer gets, it is dry and freshness is completely gone - What are you guys doing to keep the freshness or how quick this will reach consumers?

Finally, I had to settle for 7 INR per kg, since I had no other option.  However the consumer price is easily 8 to 10 times more than I was settled for.  #whotookmycheese  :)

OK, What is the summary?

1. Am I a proud farmer here, from the above sale? - If this is my ONLY income, then I would definitely say NO.

2. While everyone is locked at home in last few weeks due to COVID-19, I have an option to move around in a free land with a fresh air. - Yes, I am proud here since I am with nature.

Farmers are given exception from COVID-19 complete lock down situation. Yes, all farmers should be proud of this.

This is the only feeling, I get and make me happy and proud.

Nature always win and be with nature, wherever possible. :)

See you in the next one..


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