What is a WINNING attitude?

Hi -

Hope, you and your family are doing well during this lock-down period. Hope, the lock down will be over soon, and may your dreams come true soon.

In this blog, I will mention about, what is a winning attitude, according to me!.. I will explain with  examples, wherever possible.

In our farm, we never had short term seasonal fruits and vegetables. We have mangoes, guavas, coconuts etc, which are for long term yieldings. I tried to experiment, short term yieldings, like papaya, water melon, drum stick etc.

When I started with Papaya, initial few weeks, it was very good and I was so happy. I was following the instructions given by agriculture officers.  The tree was so green (lush green, yeaa) and coming healthy. In next few weeks, it started turning completely black and gone.  Do you believe that?..  Yes, it happened. Few months of efforts are gone!!!  I was following up with the same officers and they asked me to go for soil testing and blamed other stuffs.  Huh...  I did not give up. 

Formula #1:

"Don’t read success stories, You will only get a message. Read or hear as many as failure stories, which are hard to find out, but you will get some ideas to get success."

If I relate this to IT world, learn from every build failures, regressions from teammates, production outages, unable to deliver on time,  loosing sales deals, manager magics (lol) etc.  Talk to your teammates about this, and I am sure, you will learn from the mistakes and learn something. :)

papaya farm

Back to the story...

Yes, after listening to few people, who are working on different farms and near by areas, I tried different approaches. This time, it worked (yeyy),  yes, I got the yieldings that I was looking for.  No profit though.

But, papaya was shapeless. :(... You know what???,  customers buy only good shape and good looking papayas. :). Yes, I learnt this as well finally, after discussing with few folks.

People, expect the fruit in nice format (i.e. nice looking shape, no damages etc), however the same human goes to an ice cream shop or juice shop or a restaurant, takes the same fruit, but this time he does not care about the fruit shape, damages, but cares so much about the ambience of the shop, hi-gene of the shop, workers, utensils etc.  So, same human, but with different expectations this time, for the same fruit. :)

In a corporate world, if you remove the title, everyone becomes human being.  Let us remember that.

Formula #2:

We live in a world, where we eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, rice etc every day, but don't know, how they were grown up by HUMANS and maintained by HUMAN beings. There is a human, there is a farmer behind everything that we eat.  Have Humanity and show humanity ! This is important to win, everywhere.

If I relate this to IT world, everyone has different social background, culture, religion, belief, family members, ambience, life-style etc. But, all are human beings. As a manager, teammate, lead, executive, all I recommend is, have humanity and show humanity in every decision.  You may loose sometimes, but it is OK, however you will win forever, someday.
start farming


Back to the story...

This blog is becoming big... Let me try to wrap up with the last point...
Always have a back-up job. You may wonder how?... But, think, how did your parents grow you, and with what background. We (Our country) are known for cultures and history.  Also, avoid financial "over" commitments/loans. Never commit more than 50% of your income.

Wrapping up this post, with below formula #3....

Love Your Job but don’t love your company, because you may not know when your company stops loving you.   Talk to your managers or leads openly, build the trust, and remember that they are also human beings. :)

love your job

Thank you for reading..
We will catch up next time... :)


  1. Very different message. I could relate this with another incident - during my initial days of career, one of my mentor advised to validate the negative cases first, before coding for success functionality, and it did yield very well. We are blindly following success stories, pushing failure stories away. Good one, Thanks :)

  2. Nice one.. Portrait-ed well how our life should be from an unusual angle. Most of the points are the ones which should be in our high priority list, however most of us usually keep them waiting in non-priority list

  3. This is a good message! As just a creature in this planet we should always blended with nature. That is how we are made of. Technology and innovation are really killing our links with nature but in this world we can't live with out those. So at-least do our part to maintain our connection with nature and also passing that message to coming generations.

  4. Great insight and thoughts. I love the perspective of relating your farming life with your IT life. I'm always impressed with how much you're able to accomplish inside and outside of work; and, this always-learning and empathetic approach is almost certainly a driving force behind it.


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