When the King of Fruits(Mango) starts rolling, after 6+ years...

 Hi Everyone --

Hope you are doing well, keeping safe and getting back to normal post-covid activities. 

In this blog, I will share about my 6+ years old mango trees...  Mango is King of Fruits in India.

We planted these set of mango trees almost 6 years ago in farm. When I purchased these trees from an agriculture office, the officer told me that, it will yield in 3 years. But, I had to wait for another 3 years to see the trees blooming.

Below picture is latest one from farm. Tree is full of flowers "first time", as of this month.  Happiness is unlimited :). When you see the flowers, when you touch these flowers, the experiences are un-explainable. 

Unstoppable honey bees and beeping bird sounds are around these trees now.  I am not sure, whether all of these flowers will yield in Mango fruits, but I will hope for best. Mist play a big role in harvesting. Hope the weather conditions become favor of the trees, to get proper mango yielding.

In my day to day job, we release software either daily, weekly, monthly etc.  We get the output and happiness immediately.
However in farm, having to wait for "6+ years to see the flowers", gives patience, focus and determinations. Growing a tree without any pesticides, against different weather, different situations are challenges. Hope these tree will live longer. :)

I know, this is a short blog, but I just wanted to share my happiness and experiences from farm. I will share yet another post later, depends on mango fruits yielding.

My closing comments for this week:

  • Seeing a tree with flowers will de-stress you
  • Touching a tree of flowers will release tension from you
  • Sleeping under tree shadows, will strengthen you. :)

See you all in the next blog...


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