First Experience (LIVE) - Attending Prime Minister Modiji's Mega Ralley....

 Hi Everyone --

Hope everyone is doing OK. 2nd wave of Corona is hitting around us. Take care of yourself, family, friends and relatives.

In this blog, I am going to share a different experience which I feel, (not a farming experience) it is worth sharing.

Please see below image:

modi ralley

Last week, I had an opportunity to attend in-person, our Prime Minister's speech at Kanyakumari. Last one year in IT world, it is all about zoom, hence wanted to take a break and attend a real LIVE event in-person. I was fortunate enough to get a VIP pass, and got a front-row seat. :). Special Thanks to my brother, Boopathy.

The event time was published as 2.30 pm IST in news papers, some politicians mentioned that time is 3.30 pm. We were settled at 1.30 pm itself, however actual event started only at 4.30 pm.  :(... There were multiple rounds of security checks, and everywhere cameras were recording us. I remembered the airport, immigration security checks, after a long time. :)

I could not imagine, around 100,000 people attended this event. OMG!... Everyone was saying only MODI, MODI, MODI... I enjoyed this much noise, after a long time. Usually we hear this in our annual events or big tech conferences etc.

OK, what is that, I wanted to share... Here we go...

This was the schedule for PM Modi ji on that day.

  1. Morning around 11.00 am - Speech at Madurai, Tamil Nadu
  2. Noon around 1.30 pm - Speech at Pathanamthatta, Kerala
  3. Evening around 4.00 pm - Speech at Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu
  4. Evening around 6.30 pm - Speech at Trivandrum, Kerala

Four big speeches in one day.. Think about how many take offs and landings, road travel, weather, "languages", different set of cultural people  etc. Each event will have more than ~50K people. The event I attended was 3rd one, on that day. Still, it was very energetic and active. Every one was happy hearing Modi ji's voice, modulations in between here and there. At this age, at his busy schedule, he was holding everyone (100K people) in the meeting, which is key.  People loved his speech and energy, though he was speaking in english. I am pretty sure, many folks learnt little bit english on that day.

In our IT world, we usually give one energetic speech (all hands or webinar or town halls etc)... May be one more speech on same day on a any good day. I have given max 2 big speeches. I could not imagine, in one day, giving 4 big speeches and 4 take offs, and 4 landings, within 3 or 4 different states, and different languages. Huh...

I was just enjoying the chorus, noise from audience and his speech.  This was fun and energetic.

What was going on my mind:

Am I healthy enough to go for such schedules, in my day 2 day work?. Am I willing to work like that?. Am I willing to learn many languages? At 70+, how my life style will be?.  It is easy to point luxury or comfort, still body and mind has to be active enough to support.

Here is the summary from my first experience:

  • Healthy Life is Wealthy Life  & Practice makes everyone perfect.  (I heard PM speaking in Tamil, though his mother tongue is different. He was very active, after speaking in 2 big meetings)
  • Fitness and Yoga are important part of healthy life. Discipline is important.  ( (I saw Modiji's bold walking)
  • Hard work always pays off & willingness to learn will pay too. (At 70+, using technology and adapting to that is key. I saw that in stage)
  • Be loyal to your family, society, company, team and nation. 
  • Passion comes automatically, if we are loyal enough.

OK everyone. Hope, you enjoyed this reading.. :)

Please feel free to share your comments.

Stay Safe. C U in the next one...



  1. Great i liked those five points in the summary.

    I hope all humans should practice and exercise all those points to be great humans and contribute to humanity.

  2. Great i liked those five points in the summary.

    I hope all humans should practice and exercise all those points to be great humans and contribute to humanity.

  3. Great i liked those five points in the summary.

    I hope all humans should practice and exercise all those points to be great humans and contribute to humanity.

  4. I am proud to be a part in the same meeting

  5. Detailing is nice, keep writing :)


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