Work From Inside Home (WFIH) Vs Work From Outside Home (WFOH)

Hi Everyone --

I trust you, family and friends are doing OK.  My prayers are always there, for everyone's well-being.

Omicron cases are being reported towards upward trend, and it is spreading faster. Please take care of yourself, and family. Healthy Life is always Wealthy Life.

In this blog, I am going to share little bit about my experiences from WFH - Work From Home.   Again, it is purely my personal experience and I thought of sharing this to world, hoping that it will help someone.

I am sure, everyone is doing WFH for last 2 years. Then, what is here to share? :)...  OK!.

It is about, "where" we work from home..... I have experienced two things, and I thought of sharing this.

1. Work From Outside Home (WFOH)

Below pic is from my WFOH, along with nature and moon.

work from anywhere 

2. Work From Inside Home (WFIH)

Below pic is from my WFIH, where my family helped a lot.

 wrok from home

 OK, Let us do deep-dive. :)

Work From Inside Home - WFIH:

  • I took one room completely and started locking whenever needed.  Working from Inside Home.
  • I came out during small breaks, lunch breaks or whenever  needed.
  • This worked really well for few months. :). Every one was happy including family and myself.
  • I was well connected within family, knew each and every movements with visitors. Always kept munching few snacks, timely salads, juices, tea/coffee etc :)

My daughter is a teenager, hence she understands everything easily, and my son is 4 years old. You could imagine, how playful kids would be. My wife follows yoga and meditations. 

  • Kids were attending online classes and all of us were challenged during peak time.
  • Over a period, I felt that I was not at full potential. I had to compromise something. I always had a hesitation that kids or wife may knock  the door anytime or may come inside anytime. Whenever they came inside, I could not change myself. How best you could manage your 4 years kid, in India? :)
  • Whenever my tone was raising, or whenever I was smiling during discussions or loud or quiet during meetings, questions started coming out from kids and family.
  • I had to always tell them in advance that, if it is an important meeting or discussion and had to re-iterate the importance if it was an external discussions.

A Chameleons takes 20 seconds to change its color.  Whenever I came out of my room, I had to transition to different role within few seconds, faster than Chameleons. :). This was becoming a challenge over a period.

 In summary, Work From Inside Home worked for me initially. After a period, it started disturbing family life and hitting work-life balance. Hence, I decided to explore next option: Work From Outside Home.

 Work From Outside Home - WFOH:

Instead of locking in a room inside my home, I decided to work from another house of mine, which is near by within walk-able distance, and made changes here as per my interest. I made few alterations in one room and balcony/terrace so that I am comfortable, got extra internet connection and all set. Here, still I am accessible to my family, but instead of inside home, I am outside home within walk-able distance... .

After choosing this option, i.e. Work From Outside Home, I felt that I was at full potential. Never had any hesitations, never scared of video calls anytime, never worried about disturbances. I felt that I am back at Office and at peak of my productivity. :)

I go home for lunch and tea/coffee breaks. Even family was enjoying this and back at happy track.

The balcony/terrance of my WFOH made my life very easy, helped for small walking whenever needed, got fresh air whenever needed. My evening meetings were super productive, and I felt that I was working under moon. :)....   This time, Mac Under the Moon. :)

In summary, it is worth exploring this option WFOH.  If you have terrrace at home, it is worth converting this into an office. Now a days, I started doing WFIH and WFOH too based on preferences, needs and conditions. Think of like, Work From Office and Work From Home.

Hope, my experience helps you or your friends. Please feel free to share or comment here. if you think. :) A successful family runs on good work-life balance. A successful family spreds positivity in society.

But, what I liked the most was Work From Farm: WFF :)

work from farm


Unfortunately, we are yet to get good internet connections in rural areas. Currently, I am getting internet speed only in kbps, and hoping that I would get good internet speed mbps in few years.  Currently, it is good for offline work, emails and research work. However, online meetings are not possible with kbps. Hence I had to choose WFOH option. :)

 Just wrapping up my friday evening zoom call (Mac Under The Moon), getting all set for the much expected long long break..  

Signing off from "Work From Outside Home".... :). Have a blasting 2022.  You could switch between WFIH and WFOH whenever needed, like WFO and WFH. Wishing you and your family a good work-life balance.
work from  anywhere


I wish you, your family, and friends a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year 2022.


Happy Holidays, Stay safe & Take care.


 Thank you.



  1. Cool blog dude.

    Working from inside home seems to have taken a toll in my health as well. You may also write about the health benefits of WFOH if u think it helps to stay healthy. Of course WFOH enables you to do a short walk, eat less snacks etc. Other than the obvious ones if you could mention a couple more from your experience.


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