Thinking about Future - Eco weddings, Eco friendly feasts and green gatherings... (ecowedding ??)

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ... 

Vanakkam, Namaskaram. Namaste.

I trust everyone is doing well..  January month is over, and everyone is getting into their busiest schedules.

Last two weeks were really busy for me. My colleagues visited India after 3+ years. We really had nice time, I explained a lot about our culture, reasons behind those, talked a lot about food habits and options across various states.  Obviously, talked a lot about products, people, process and internal things too, which were really significant. It is always good to be with senior and talented people. I learnt a lot, energized and got good motivations.

OK, I noticed an important thing during my stay in different hotels. I stayed in different hotels in Bangalore, Trivandrum and Delhi,. Almost all the hotels served drinking water from "glass water bottles". I could not see any plastic water bottles.

I was very glad that we started thinking about environment, plastic free life, and started taking steps to protect our mother earth. Cities and people in cities started taking steps to avoid one-time use plastics. Glass bottles are everywhere. Very very happy.

So far so good. :). OK.

Now, back to reality at home town... Last week I attended few marriage functions in my native place.  Of course, meeting people will give different energy and stress levels go south. Everything was good. Please check out the pic from below image, during dining:

eco wedding

Traditionally, every south Indian wedding will have a good meal served for all guests. I am sure that, every wedding will have around 500 to 1000+ people.

For my wedding, we had around 2000+ guests....We had many well-wishers . :)

Now, coming to the point... In the picture, did you notice that everything is organic(banana leaf) other than the plastic water bottle? . Almost all the weddings and gatherings will have plastic water bottles these days. Did you notice?

How much plastic waste a wedding will result in? 

plastic free life


  • An average Indian wedding produces about 200 kilograms of plastic waste
  • Every year over 2 to 3 million weddings do happen. This is still increasing as per latest statistics.
  • On a good auspicious day, there are easily 10000+ wedding functions....
  • Every day there are so many political gatherings do happen with meals and water bottles.


indian marriage

OK, what changed in last few years?

When we were kids, in every marriage function water was served in a stainless steel tumbler with jugs  Drinking water was always served in tumblers.. This task was mostly given to elder kids.. :) 

 Look at below stainless steel tumblers...  


We were using tumblers and jugs all the while, but things changed in last few years. Why?. Instead of cleaning these tumblers and serving again, we did go for alternatives. We looked for hygienic, yes, but instead of re-using these tumblers, sterilizing using correct methods, we all adopted to plastic bottles.

We could apply technology and innovations to clean these tumblers, make them hygiene and serve again.


It is time to think about our environment, protect our environment and host Eco-firendly functions.

Call for tumblers and jugs service.. :) Use those with proper hygiene protocols, think about old days, discuss with your parents, friends, colleagues and bring back those memories with tumblers and jugs...

  1. Requesting to host eco-friendly gatherings, weddings and feasts wherever possible. :)
  2. One Life, One Family, One Earth, One Sky... 
  3. Mother Earth is source of patience, let us protect.

 OK, everyone. Thanks for reading. We will connect back in the next one...

Thank you, Take care.  

Nandri Vanakkam ! Dhanywad. !




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