Cockpit and copilot experience...

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ... 

Vanakkam, Namaste.

I trust everyone is doing well.. In this blog, I will share about my life time experience from cockpit. :)  

As I said in my previous blog, I have relocated to USA for a specific period of  time.



I do always have high respect for my colleagues. One of my colleagues, Brandon Johnson, is a pilot and he owns private jet. Whenever we talk about other things during lunch or dinner, he used to mention about his flying experiences, like, I always talk about my farming passion and what is happening within my farm, what i am doing etc. Of course, passion connects people!...

Once I asked him: Would you take me to the sky for an hour+ in your own private jet as co-pilot?.  He immediately said, yes, which I did not expect. Hence, I decided to take this opportunity whenever I visit Montana / Bozeman  next time.

In my last visit to Bozeman, I asked him the same. He said yes again. :) ... Hence the journey started... It was quick and we decided immediately. It is about trust and confidence.

Here is the picture from cockpit ar around 8000 ft level. The Airport was: Bozeman Yellowstone Airport. We did a sky tour around rocky mountains.

copilot experience

It was an awesome experience. It was definitely a life time experience for me. 

Before taking off, he briefed me all the security processes, dos, donts etc.  He also clearly explained all the processes to be followed during crash, which was mandatory, but I was confident for a good flight and left everything to the almighty. :)

Initially, butterflies were flying inside my mind, stomach etc, but once we hit the sky, i totally started enjoying the view and journey. Takeoff was awesome from cockpit. It was an experience to see the take off, how it is controlled using technologies.

Here is the picture of the navigation map. There is so much data in cockpit and a pilot has to stay on top of all these things. Also, communication to ATC was an important role.

What it taught me was: The importance of communication to ATC and between pilots, seriousness of the job because you are carrying so many people's life and the trust of the company.

Once we are at correct height and the journey was memorable. He explained all the cockpit meters, how they control left/right/up/down etc.  I was like a kid in a candy store asking all the questions.

Once we started approaching landing area, he was serious. I clearly saw the importance of landing and the seriousness of that. It was awesome too. We made a very smooth landing.


Once landed, I was smiling for a while and thanking him... It was such a life time experience.  

I also promised him my farm tour / walk, whenever he comes to India.



OK, everyone. Thanks for reading ... In summary, Trust your colleagues, be confident wherever needed, enjoy your life...  

Special thanks to Brandon Johnson again....

We will connect back in the next one with more USA experiences...

Thank you, Take care.  

Nandri Vanakkam ! Dhanywad. !


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