40+ years of work experience with one employer...???

 My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ... 

Vanakkam, Namaste.

This is a different blog....  Just sharing my thoughts...

40 years of work anniversary


On-boarded for a long trip, and the take-off was getting delayed. I settled down, ready to take a nap, hence I was not in a situation to know, what’s going on there, but crew members were busy… After few minutes, flight took off and reached the required altitude for the long flying hours.

After the required nap, I was fresh enough to catch up on all pending office work and completed the required stuff. Hmm….. What to do next?.. As a customer service professional, I watch out every customer service interactions, experience customer service wherever and whenever possible. I noticed a uniqueness within the cabin and with the crew members…

What was that?... I noticed the way they served, patience on serving, behaviors on interactions, and the way they interacted with everyone. As I said, it was different. I was waiting for the right moments to start my conversations…

It was my turn and started the conversation. I clarified the reasons for the delay and asked whether we will have on-time arrival.  The answer was classic, polite, and diplomatic, like you get from any other experienced executives. :) Yes, they had to deal with deplaning a passenger, which was tough always.

During the conversations, I learnt that he is working for more than 4 decades with the same airlines: 40+ years with the same company.  What?... 40+ years with the same company?.... I have heard only founders of the company, but not employees.... Couldn’t believe that!! Yes, the crew is working for the same company for more than 40+ years. As you are curious to know, how, why etc, I had the same thoughts and I asked them directly. :)

I am summarizing few of the conversations, that I felt very worthwhile to share: 

How did you work for the same company for 40+ years? Your most part of life?

o   It is not about years; I never counted my anniversaries. It is all about job satisfaction, the people you work with, and happiness that you get at the end of the day/week/month.

Still, 40+ years with one employer - unbelievable?

o   As I said, it is about your goals in "life" not years/anniversaries, people you work with, your expectations, and alignments. I like flying, serving people, and that keeps me happy, keeping me happy. You know in the same flight; we have few more people who are having 4 decades experience.

How did you sail through 40+ years? How was the journey?

o   It is not rosy as you expect. Everyone goes through challenges, hurdles, ups and downs at difference phases of their life. For example: covid like situation, family issues etc. But, patience and fitness – you will know the importance of these as you grow. Many people come in and go away in this journey, there will be conflicts, but be kind enough with humanity and smiles, during the journey.

What is the secret of your fitness?

o   That is important. Flying at my age requires enough practice, attentions to the details and my body must co-operate. Spending some rewards towards your own physical health and mental health is important than others. Patience and Fitness. Patience brings more healthy relationships, and fitness brings more health and wealth later.

That's it!!.. :)

I had many memorable journeys and moments so far, but this one was super special. Hence penning this special moment and sharing with everyone…

Still unbelievable. 40+ years with one employer, and still counting…  Kudos to the team and employer…

work anniversary

Thank you everyone for reading this. Take care !!!

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this article are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.


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