Library & Library Love: A feast for brain and a place of peace for mind…

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ... 

Vanakkam, Namaste.

I trust everyone is doing well.. This blog is about libraries, and my personal experience in USA public libraries.


fremont library

First few months in USA, many people told me about various good things about the libraries in USA. I never took that seriously, and never paid too much attention to that. Since I have seen various libraries in hometown and had a preset mind.

However, one day we had to go there due to my kid’s school assignment activity. The assignment topic was library. I decided to take them to nearby “Fremont Public Library”, so that they feel about library and experience the same.  Yes, it was a stunning and amazing experience.  Ahh, no, we wasted few months already in USA. It is a public library and totally shocked by the ambience.


My kids got free membership with their school ID cards. After that, we started going regularly during every weekend.  My memory started jogging about old days…   Reserving a book in college library during college days, waiting for a hold book, placing books on hold, paying fine for late returns intentionally, discussions with librarians in college, lovable micro moments between racks with college mates etc.  You won’t believe that our college library was inaugurated by Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam. I also built a software LMS: Library Management System during my initial career days as part of my tech start-up. :)


Coming back to USA:  Every city has a big “public library”, and it is very well organized. Infrastructure is great and they do have all required facilities. They have separate collaboration rooms, computers, various reading tables with comfortable chairs. Kids are taken care very well with different sections. Technology plays a role here. Checkout is easy and returns are super easy. . Libraries are well-funded by local, state and federal governments. They also get grants and local funding. It is an interesting Eco-system and well-managed with “technology”.


Please take a look at parking infra alone in below image. There are so many lanes like this. :)


fremont library


What I noticed here was: Kids and parents spend good amount of time in libraries. I did see many retired professionals, retired government officials, spending good amount of time here. I could imagine that they must be using the same during week-days heavily. An interesting fact is about separate reading sections of retired military folks and other special services to honor them.  I have seen their active engagements here, after retirement life. I have seen volunteers too!.


Another important thing is:Technology!. It is latest. Please take a look at the machines to borrow books.   So fast and up to date.  An active and latest mobile app too!

USA library

While thinking about this very loudly: Why are we not having this in my home country? A good library is needed in every city or panchayat locations. It is a place of feast for brain, it is a place of peace for reading minds. It connects many people for a reason. Library connects many like minded people.

We spend enough time in restaurants every month. How about taking kids and parents for good libraries once a month? – do we spend time in libraries with family?. Do we provide feast for brain?


USA library experience

While we spend enough money for our taste buds and body, how about our brain? - Library is one of the places and place for peace, if it is funded and maintained correctly.

How about this?

1.     Beautify the libraries in every city / panchayat?

2.     How about bringing latest technology for checkout and returns with mobile app?. Technology plays a role.

3.     Volunteered by local retired and government professionals: Teachers, Police officers, Government officials etc.


Fremont library

OK, everyone. Hope you enjoy reading these and thinking about visiting one of libraries soon with your family members. :)

Sharing is caring!... Sharing what I experienced in last few months...

We will catch up in the next blog and take care!

Bye, Nandri. Take care!



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