
Free Rations Scheme - Worth visiting ration shop once....(Citizen Experience)

\    Hi Everyone -- I trust you and family are doing great. Things are getting better and better, let us hope for the best. In this blog, I am going to share little bit about Free Rations Scheme. I am not sure whether you follow this in news or not, but this comes in news many days....  Even this week, Delhi government announced that ration items will be delivered at door step. If you are NOT following ration news, I would encourage you to follow and take a deep look, if you are tax payer. :) What is a ration card? Ration card is an official document issued by state governments in India to households that are eligible to purchase subsidised food grain from the Public Distribution System under the National Food Security Act (NFSA). They also serve as a common form of identification for many Indians.[1] Who is eligible for a ration card?  "Every Indian Family is eligible. Families are given the option of choosing the type of family cards based on their needs and preferences and t

Cashew Apples - are you missing those fruits? (mundiri pazham, kollam pazham)

Hi Everyone -- I trust you and family are doing well.  I see that, we are coming out of COVID, everything almost opened up and we are almost there. Trust, things are getting better and better. In this blog, I am sharing little about "Cashew Apples".  The season is coming, coming... :). It is a summer fruit. When I was a kid, this fruit used to be there everywhere during summer. i.e. from April to May.  In our farm, we "had" many cashew trees, but all were gone during drought and some were infected. We used to produce around 2 tons of cashew shells during the peak and perfect season. Now, I am maintaining ONLY 10 trees. But, these 10 trees do give lots of happiness during summer season, which I will share here. These fruits are in RED and Yellow colors. See the fruit below, in a perfect fresh condition.     As of this week, tree is like below. i.e. Cashew apples will be ready in next two weeks. If weather turns out to be in-favor, then we will have a good yielding.

Happy Pongal Wishes to all......

Hi Everyone -- I trust everyone is doing OK. My prayers are always there for everyone's well-being. Happy Pongal Wishes to all. In this article, I will share little about the importance and history of this festival.     Why Pongal Celebrations?  This festival honours the "Sun GOD" and commemorates the Sun's northward voyage . It also signifies the end of winter.   The festival is named after the ceremonial "Pongal", which means "to boil, overflow" and refers to the traditional dish (rice) prepared from the new harvest of rice boiled in milk with jaggery (raw sugar). To mark the festival, the pongal sweet dish is prepared, first offered to Sun God and goddesses. It is celebrated to THANK nature, farmers, cows, agriculture and GOD...... Food and cattle are a vital part of this celebration  Some more historical story: Why Cows? :) According to a legend, it all started when Shiva's bull, Basava, delivered a wrong message to humans. Instead of d

Work From Inside Home (WFIH) Vs Work From Outside Home (WFOH)

Hi Everyone -- I trust you, family and friends are doing OK.  My prayers are always there, for everyone's well-being. Omicron cases are being reported towards upward trend, and it is spreading faster. Please take care of yourself, and family. Healthy Life is always Wealthy Life. In this blog, I am going to share little bit about my experiences from WFH - Work From Home.   Again, it is purely my personal experience and I thought of sharing this to world, hoping that it will help someone. I am sure, everyone is doing WFH for last 2 years. Then, what is here to share? :)...  OK!. It is about, "where" we work from home ..... I have experienced two things, and I thought of sharing this. 1. Work From Outside Home (WFOH) Below pic is from my WFOH, along with nature and moon.   2 . Work From Inside Home (WFIH) Below pic is from my WFIH, where my family helped a lot.    OK, Let us do deep-dive. :) Work From Inside Home - WFIH: I took one room completely and started locking whe

COVID-19: A bystander experience...

 Hi Everyone -- I trust you, family and friends are doing OK.  My prayers are always there for everyone's well-being. I know, many people shared their covid experiences.  In this blog, I am going to share my true experience as a bystander for a covid patient (my brother-in-law). Little different from my farming blogs, but I thought it is worth sharing. During the peak pandemic, my brother-in-law was infected by Covid.  First few days, he was taking normal fever tablets, but it was not working, hence admitted into a private hospital in Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu. Everything was going fine for first 2-3 days in hospital, he was given injections and tablets, but slowly oxygen  level started going down. Hence they started giving oxygen for him. Everything was going OK so far, first few days. On the fourth day morning, while I was in my active meetings with my teams, my sister was trying to reach few times. As I was in meeting, I did not pick up the call. But, this time

Planted 100 Palm Trees (Palmyra palm tree or Panai Maram)... :)

 Hi Everyone -- I trust you, family and friends are doing well.  In this blog, I am going to share little bit about my diwali weekend activity. It was a good long weekend and it helped me to plan better. Let me add some value to our environment and society during this Diwali. Ok, what is it about? Planting Palm Trees : It is called "Panai Maram" in Tamil or Palmyra palm tree as per google.. :)  Here is the fruit from palm tree in raw form, it is called "Ice Apple". These days, people make juice (i.e. Nongu sarbath) from this and it is becoming very famous. I decided to plant around 100 trees. My day started at 5.30 am. Typically all farmers get up very early and they get into farms early. :).. Farmers work hard, farming is like serving to people.  We finished all the work by 2.00 pm. Along with Palm trees, I did plant many Neem trees too. Myself and folks working in farm, we started collecting all the palm seeds and packed in sacks. Unpacked in target place and sta

Happiness and Dreams

Hi Everyone -- I trust you, family and friends are doing OK.  In this blog, I am going to share little about my casual conversations with the workers in farm, while they were working very hard.  What is it about: Happiness and Dreams. Please see below picture.  Workers (Contractors) are actively peeling coconut shell in my farm.   We harvest coconut once in 50 days. Once plucked from tree, they are all brought to a common place and then we invite contractors to take out the shell and then give the coconut to traders by per kg basis. Old days, harvesting used to happen by climbing. i.e. Persons used to climb the tree, and pluck from there. Now a days, everything happens from ground itself. i.e. In a long stick, sharp knife is attached and from ground itself they pluck coconuts. OK, coming to the discussions... When I entered my farm, they were busy peeling. I was watching for few minutes without asking any questions. I was just simply watching, noticing the focus of those folks, perf