
HBD Honey, Honey Bee, Queen Bee. (tamil poem)

Today is my wife's birth day!. Here is the poem written by me, for her. :) தேன் இருந்தால்தானே அது தேன் கூடு,        இல்லையேல் அது வெறும் மர கூடு, ஓ, மை ஹனி, HBD ! தேனீ இருந்தால்தானே அது தேன் கூடு,         இல்லையேல் அது வெறும் ஈ கூடு, ஓ, மை ஹனி பீ, HBD ! ராணி தேனீ இருந்தால்தானே அது தேன் கூடு,                      இல்லையேல் அது வெறும் கூடு,  ஓ, மை குயின் ஹனி பீ, HBD ! தேனீக்களை இயக்கும் ராணி தேனியே, தேனை சேகரிக்கும் ராணி தேனியே, வாழ்க பல்லாண்டு! வாழ்க வளமுடன். தேனீ கொட்டினால் வலிக்கும், ஆனால் அது நஞ்சை நீக்கும், அவ்வப்போது என்னை கொட்டி, நஞ்சை நீக்கி, இக்கூடை தேன் கூடாக மாற்றும், ராணி தேனீயே, வாழ்க பல்லாண்டு! வாழ்க நோய் நொடியின்றி!

What is a WINNING attitude?

Hi - Hope, you and your family are doing well during this lock-down period. Hope, the lock down will be over soon, and may your dreams come true soon. In this blog, I will mention about, what is a winning attitude, according to me!.. I will explain with  examples, wherever possible. In our farm, we never had short term seasonal fruits and vegetables. We have mangoes, guavas, coconuts etc, which are for long term yieldings. I tried to experiment, short term yieldings, like papaya, water melon, drum stick etc. When I started with Papaya, initial few weeks, it was very good and I was so happy. I was following the instructions given by agriculture officers.  The tree was so green (lush green, yeaa) and coming healthy. In next few weeks, it started turning completely black and gone.  Do you believe that?..  Yes, it happened. Few months of efforts are gone!!!  I was following up with the same officers and they asked me to go for soil testing and blamed other stuffs.  Huh...  I did not

What is CI/CD during Covid lockdown?

Well... I hope, you, your family and friends are doing well.  Let us pray GOD, to keep us healthy and safe! In this blog, I am going to share few IT jargons... If you are a non-IT professional, please excuse me. OK, what is CI/CD? (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery).  But now, it is: C orona I nfections / C orona D eaths.  We are looking all data/graphs about CI/CD. CV - C orona V irus or C ut V egetables.  What do we mean by resume now? CR (Change Request ) - C hange R oom.  -> While everyone is working from home, now it is all about changing rooms throughout the day PTO - P eeling T he O nions  :). - Most of us, may or may not be doing this. If you are helping your family in kitchen, then definitely you are on PTO. BZ (Busy) - Blabber in Zoom CD - C hange D iapers. If you are with small kids, I am sure, this is must, before you attend the meetings or busy work. Is life a circle?... I doubt now. It is a rectangle. Because we are most of the times in, balconies, bed rooms

COVID 19 - Impacts & Gains - in lockdown life...

Bread இல்லை, Bun இல்லை,  Pizza இல்லை, ஆம், எதனை இழந்தோம் ?. Constipation இல்லை, Gas problem இல்லை! ஆம்.  உண்மை! அதனால்  தான் இழந்தோம்... முறுக்கு இல்லை, மிக்ஸர் இல்லை, மில்க் ஷேக் இல்லை, ஆம், எதனை இழந்தோம் ?. Cold இல்லை, Cough இல்லை, Acidity இல்லை! ஆம்.  உண்மை! அதனால்  தான் இழந்தோம்... Auto இல்லை, Bus இல்லை, Call Taxi இல்லை, ஆம், எதனை இழந்தோம் ?. Air Pollution இல்லை, Noise Pollution இல்லை, Dust Allergy இல்லை! ஆம்.  உண்மை! அதனால்  தான் இழந்தோம்... OK, எதனை பெற்றோம் ? Clean Air,  Cool Breeze, Pure Water! அது மட்டுமா ? காக்கையின் குரல், குயிலின் பாடல், வானில் கழுகின் தேடல்! மலைகளின் அழகு, அலைகளின் ஆடல்,  காற்றின் கனவு!  ஆம்.  உண்மை! இதனை பெற்றோம்... இது மட்டுமா ? மனையில் இருக்கிறோம், மனைவியுடன் இருக்கிறோம், மழலைகளுடன் இருக்கிறோம், மனிதாபிமானமாக இருக்கிறோம்! இயற்கையை மதிப்போம், இயற்கை உடன் இருப்போம், இயற்கையாகவே இருப்போம் :) நன்றி ! வாழ்க பாரத் மாதா !

Am I a Proud Farmer? (vivasayi)

My dad always told me, in last few years that, farming does not give any profit, if you are SMALL. He was a full time farmer (I know, we had paddy fields, tomato, chillies, brinjal harvesting when we were kids).  Most of our summer holidays, weekends were spent only in farms.  We had lots of cashew fruits, drumsticks, bananas too. One day, dad told me that, he is going to sell the farm and buy some land within city limits, which will give great appreciation.  We could build good multiplex, halls, shops ets and make good income. I asked him, why - he said that there is NO profit and the money we get from farm is enough ONLY for expenses.  I did not believe that, and said I will take care of the farm and expenses. Thatzhow I got into this world of agriculture. I do work in IT industry and take care of our farm too. Now a days, I am directly involved in few agricultural stuffs and I know little bit. :). I do not make that much profit, but I still experiment and have fun. What I am

Mac under the Mango tree (Work from Farm)

To all my readers: My prayers are with you, to be healthy and safe during this covid-19 crisis. During this period, like any other IT employee, I am also working remote. I have decided to work from my farm during this time. Not full time though. Mac under the Mango Tree The new way of working:  Mac under the mango tree, slacking with teams, zooming in stand-ups with hidden videos, discussing about our CX applications. This is fun!. I wish everyone to experience this, since the sound is natural, breeze is natural and you are super active for more hours. :)