
Happiness and Dreams

Hi Everyone -- I trust you, family and friends are doing OK.  In this blog, I am going to share little about my casual conversations with the workers in farm, while they were working very hard.  What is it about: Happiness and Dreams. Please see below picture.  Workers (Contractors) are actively peeling coconut shell in my farm.   We harvest coconut once in 50 days. Once plucked from tree, they are all brought to a common place and then we invite contractors to take out the shell and then give the coconut to traders by per kg basis. Old days, harvesting used to happen by climbing. i.e. Persons used to climb the tree, and pluck from there. Now a days, everything happens from ground itself. i.e. In a long stick, sharp knife is attached and from ground itself they pluck coconuts. OK, coming to the discussions... When I entered my farm, they were busy peeling. I was watching for few minutes without asking any questions. I was just simply watching, noticing the focus of those folks, perf

Honey, Honeybees & the importance of flowers and trees

Hi Everyone -- Hope everyone is doing OK and staying safe. In this blog, I am going to share little bit about Honey and Honeybees from my experience. Also, the importance of trees and flowers. Please see below picture: Both are honey!.   Have you ever noticed the thickness and color difference in Honey?  We always buy from brands like: lion honey, dabur honey etc. Do you ever think, what is behind the brand honey?. Where do they procure and how do they procure? Is it pure natural?..... mmm....  You may or may not have answers... In my farm, we used to have one person visiting and setting up beehive wooden boxes. He used to setup the boxes in many places i.e. under the big trees ; he will leave the farm for few weeks and then come back to collect honey. Whenever he collects honey from those boxes, he used to give us one or two liter from that directly.  The taste, so yummmy.... . After this, I never tasted honey from branded or processed one. Couple of years ago, someone entered the far

Papaya - happiness guaranteed when grown at home.

 Hi Everyone -- Hope you are doing OK and staying safe. Covid second wave did hit many people in India. Thanks to everyone, who helped others. Take care of yourself, family, friends and colleagues. In this blog, I am going to share about "growing papaya at home" and the happiness it gives. You would feel the happiness when it yields. You would be even more happy, when you share the fruits with your family members,  neighbours or relatives. It is a great short term crop, if you are a farmer. It gives output within a year for sure.  I have shared my papaya growing experience in my earlier blog . A well known fact about this fruit:  A  cup of papaya when had on an empty stomach is known to clear the digestive tract of toxins and smoothen the bowel movement due to the presence of digestive enzymes. It is also known to keep away digestive disorders like bloating, upset stomach and constipation.  It is a rich

RED to Green - Is it possible?

 Hi Everyone -- Hope you are doing OK and staying safe. Covid 2nd phase is hitting us badly. Please take care of yourself, family, relatives, friends and society.  In this blog, I am going to share a different experience.  RED to GREEN - What is that?. Let me explain in details. We have a small portion of an empty land very close to our hometown. i.e. just at the north border. It is completely empty land with red soil.  My dad was recommending, to construct few one bed room houses in that area so that we get some rental income. I said, NO, let me make that an agricultural area, and start producing something to local people from that land and produce more shadow area, more oxygen to society. He said, your wish, good luck and he agreed to support me. That's when I decided to convert the RED soil area into GREEN area. How?... During my last year end break in December, I did clean the land using tractors and did basic ground work. Pictures are shown below. Tractor in action.. :)   Belo

First Experience (LIVE) - Attending Prime Minister Modiji's Mega Ralley....

 Hi Everyone -- Hope everyone is doing OK. 2nd wave of Corona is hitting around us. Take care of yourself, family, friends and relatives. In this blog, I am going to share a different experience which I feel, (not a farming experience) it is worth sharing. Please see below image: Last week, I had an opportunity to attend in-person, our Prime Minister's speech at Kanyakumari . Last one year in IT world, it is all about zoom, hence wanted to take a break and attend a real LIVE event in-person. I was fortunate enough to get a VIP pass, and got a front-row seat . :). Special Thanks to my brother, Boopathy. The event time was published as 2.30 pm IST in news papers, some politicians mentioned that time is 3.30 pm. We were settled at 1.30 pm itself, however actual event started only at 4.30 pm.  :(... There were multiple rounds of security checks, and everywhere cameras were recording us. I remembered the airport, immigration security checks, after a long time. :) I could not imagine, ar

When the King of Fruits(Mango) starts rolling, after 6+ years...

 Hi Everyone -- Hope you are doing well, keeping safe and getting back to normal post-covid activities.  In this blog, I will share about my 6+ years old mango trees...  Mango is King of Fruits in India. We planted these set of mango trees almost 6 years ago in farm. When I purchased these trees from an agriculture office, the officer told me that, it will yield in 3 years. But, I had to wait for another 3 years to see the trees blooming. Below picture is latest one from farm. Tree is full of flowers "first time", as of this month.  Happiness is unlimited :) . When you see the flowers, when you touch these flowers, the experiences are un-explainable.  Unstoppable honey bees and beeping bird sounds are around these trees now.  I am not sure, whether all of these flowers will yield in Mango fruits, but I will hope for best. Mist play a big role in harvesting. Hope the weather conditions become favor of the trees, to get proper mango yielding. In my day to day job, we release so

Bye, Bye, 2020.... You made history...

  As the SUN sets on 31st Dec 2020, I have started writing this...  This picture is taken from Kanyakumari, sun set view point. Hope everyone is doing OK. We did sail through the toughest year and a historical year.  Looking back about year 2020:  It was 1st Jan 2020, 12:00 am, as usual I stayed late to wish everyone a Happy New Year, saw few crackers showing up in the sky and went to bed. Got up in the morning, checked all new year wishes and wished everyone back.  So, What's next?...  New Year Resolutions (NYRs). I decided to swim at least once in a week, since my apartment has a nice pool. Got into the pool, did other usual activities, prayers etc, and my day was made on 1st Jan 2020. :) January: I was able to maintain my NYRs... (New Year Resolutions...) February: I traveled to USA in first week.  USA Immigration took more than 5+ hours.  Can you imagine? It was very unusual for a developed country to take this much time in immigration.  History started here.. Think