
Cockpit and copilot experience...

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ...  Vanakkam, Namaste. I trust everyone is doing well.. In this blog, I will share about my life time experience from cockpit. :)   As I said in my previous blog, I have relocated to USA for a specific period of  time.   I do always have high respect for my colleagues. One of my colleagues, Brandon Johnson, is a pilot and he owns private jet. Whenever we talk about other things during lunch or dinner, he used to mention about his flying experiences, like, I always talk about my farming passion and what is happening within my farm, what i am doing etc. Of course, passion connects people!... Once I asked him: Would you take me to the sky for an hour+ in your own private jet as co-pilot?.  He immediately said, yes, which I did not expect. Hence, I decided to take this opportunity whenever I visit Montana / Bozeman  next time. In my last visit to Bozeman, I asked him the same. He said yes again. :) ... Hence the journey started... It was quic

Mangoes: King of fruits (Season is over)

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ...  Vanakkam, Namaste. I trust everyone is doing well.. In this blog, I will share little about this year mango season. We had an average mango season this year. In the previous blog, I shared few pictures of Mango flowers:   There are many varieties of mangoes available. What I have in farm are following varieties: 1. Kalapady 2. Alphonso 3. Banganapalli 4. Neelam     Kalapady - This is very sweet and small in size. Please try this out, if you get a chance. You may google out as well. This is not easy to get. Alphonso & Banganapalli: This is very common and we will get in many places. Neelam - This taste varies from soil to soil. Raw Mangoes in all types - Rather than fruits, raw mangoes have lots of medicinal benefits: Raw mangoes are rich in antioxidants, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which improve vision and eye health. Polyphenols (a group

Drumstick (Moringa) season and harvesting going on... (murungai kai)

 My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ...  Vanakkam, Namaste. I trust everyone is doing well.. In India, we are at peak summer... Temperature is increasing day by day.. Everyone starts talking climate change these days... Good to see the awareness. :) In this blog, I will share our current state of drumstick trees from farm.. . Please see below pic with drumstick flowers and vegetables. I am checking the quality of the vegetable, tree and leaves. :).    When I started drumstick farming during covid, I was not serious. Look at my first blog on drumstick We still produce few tons of drumstick vegetables during every year. We started very small with few trees. At this point, we have around 500+ trees. I am trying to get around 1000+ trees for a sustainable and bulk operations. But the investment is really high. :)   This year, will be very tough for us since we did not get good monsoon last year.  Monsoon plays a b

உன் இதயம் உனக்காகவும் உண்டு... (Tamil Poem from New York)

 My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ...  Vanakkam, Namaste. I trust everyone is doing well..  Sitting in New York City: Times Square ....  Such a busy spot, an active and vibrant place...  You just walk around and you will feel that... A different blog, apart from farming... Thinking about myself.. Writing a poem, after a long time with some energy....This is about love, self love... Writing this in my mother-tongue - TAMIL.... உன் இதயம் உனக்காகவும் உண்டு... காதல் ... காதல் ... காதல்... ஓ இதயமே .... ஐந்து வயதில் அம்மாவிடம் காதல், பொம்மையிடம்  காதல், பத்து வயதில் அப்பாவிடம் காதல், விளையாட்டில் காதல், பதினைந்து வயதில் பதின்ம வயது காதல்,  பள்ளியில் காதல், இருபது வயதில் இருக்கும் இடத்தில் காதல், கல்லூரியில் காதல், இருபத்தைந்து வயதில் இறுக்கமான காதல்.... காதல் ... காதல் ... காதல்... முப்பது வயதில் முதிரும் காதல், துணையிடம் காதல், வாழ்க்கையிடம் காதல், நாற்பது வயதில் குழந்தையிடம் காதல், குடும்பத்திடம் காதல், நாற்பது வயதில் மீண்டும் அம்மாவிடம் காதல், அப்பாவிடம் காதல், வாழ்க்கை ஒரு

Mango flowers are back.... Getting ready for summer...

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ...  Vanakkam, Namaste. I trust everyone is doing well..  February month is almost getting over, and it is busy as usual. Mahashivarathiri is over.  i.e. We are getting ready for summer.... In this blog, I will share our current state of Mango trees from farm. :) . Please see below pic with mango flowers. When it comes to summer, we always think about two fruits: 1. Water Melon 2. Mango.  Please check out my previous blog about summer. In our farm, we are ready to welcome the KING of fruits... :)  You could see the flowers from trees. Most of the trees are full of flowers at this point.   When I walk around the trees, I could easily smell the flowers and hear sounds of bees. We pray the almighty and weather GOD to make sure that these flowers yield fruits.  If the weather is bad, i.e. during this time if we get excess mist or fog, these flowers turn black and

Thinking about Future - Eco weddings, Eco friendly feasts and green gatherings... (ecowedding ??)

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters ...  Vanakkam, Namaskaram. Namaste. I trust everyone is doing well..  January month is over, and everyone is getting into their busiest schedules. Last two weeks were really busy for me. My colleagues visited India after 3+ years. We really had nice time, I explained a lot about our culture, reasons behind those, talked a lot about food habits and options across various states.  Obviously, talked a lot about products, people, process and internal things too, which were really significant. It is always good to be with senior and talented people . I learnt a lot, energized and got good motivations. OK, I noticed an important thing during my stay in different hotels. I stayed in different hotels in Bangalore, Trivandrum and Delhi,. Almost all the hotels served drinking water from "glass water bottles". I could not see any plastic water bottles. I was very glad that we started thinking about environment, plastic free life, and starte

Happy Pongal....

My dear social friends, brothers and sisters :)... I trust everyone is doing well.   New year 2023 has started and it always brings little bit of energy to everyone. Let us keep this energy in all positive ways. Today (15-JAN), we celebrate PONGAL festival. It is an important festival in South India.  It is referred to harvest festival and is dedicated to the Sun GOD. I wrote a blog about this last year: In our farm, we have pumpkins, papaya, lemon and coconut now...   We give so much importance to this harvesting festival. However, the same importance has to be given to agriculture and farming.  Tamilnadu state government gives 4 to 5 days holidays to everyone. May be worth visiting any farms, spend time with farmers in these days. :)..  Let us be with nature and truly celebrate the natural festival. OK, My dear social friends, brothers and sisters.... See you all in the next one...